The Past is Never Far *OTA*

Oct 12, 2009 00:28

That was it. Jack had had it. Had it with his memories showing up and turning into flesh and blood. He hadn't slept, just sat there thinking. Atticus, Victor, Asher, and now El. But the straw that had broken the camel's back was the arrival of Jessie. That had dug open a whole coffinful of rotting memories he had thought long dead and buried. He sat all night, toying with a Beretta in his hands. He needed to get out of here, clear his head until everything made sense again. As soon as there was a possibility Stryker might be awake, Jack had gotten up, walking over to his door, and pounding on it loud enough to wake the dead.


No answer.

"Open up, or I'll break the goddamn door down!"

In his current state, he would. And God help any mutant that passed by. He wouldn't kill them. He'd just let his imagination run wild for inspiration on how to deal with them.

OOC: Dragon's breathing fire. Have fun poking him in the eye!

✝ william stryker, ✝ rahne 'wolfsbane' sinclair, jack hendley, dr hope chandler, ✝ elizabeth 'el' gamble

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