Can you say bored? [ota but not patrolling minions -sorry, he's sneaky]

Oct 12, 2009 03:45

Lt. Worth was not happy. He did not like the snow. He'd already ruined two of his favoured flight suits, and his rubix cube was still no where near done. And his hands itched to be in a cockpit. They said it wasn't punishment -who the fuck were they kidding? He'd been shipped out to the middle of nowhere, Russia because he was a mutant and that was ( Read more... )

lt jane 'spike' worth, victor creed, ✝ edie daine/tammy daine, ✝ desdemona radison

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watch_the_nails October 12 2009, 04:43:26 UTC
Victor had been spending more and more time in the garage lately; it was way too damn cold to spend too much time in the snow, even for him, and he just couldn't stand having to sit in the Mess Hall or the Rec Room and being stuck with God knows how many other mutants. It made him want to scream, or at least lash out at most of them. He wasn't used to having to stay cooped up like that, and he hated it. At least in the garage he didn't freeze his ass off, and no-one else bothered him too much.

This time, though, as he walked into the building, he was immediately aware of a new scent cutting through the more familiar smells of diesel and brake fluid. A new male scent. He frowned; new males were always worth making a note of, since he felt he had to establish his Alpha Male status with them as soon as possible. Impress them, threaten them if he had to, warn them off Emma. Puffing himself up like a peacock, he strolled towards the newcomer with a stern look on his face.


spikyflyboy October 12 2009, 04:50:15 UTC
There was a shadow. Right over his game. Jane tried moving to the side; nope, didn't work. Hitting pause he looked up, raising an eyebrow in question at the rather large, stern male. Not Stryker, at least.

"Um, could you just," Jane tried to wave his hand in the direction he wanted said large, stern male to move, "just a little to the side. You're blocking my light."

Mario was this close to actually completing the level with 100% on coins and power ups. Jane would not let that go.


watch_the_nails October 12 2009, 05:00:45 UTC
"You're blocking my garage." That was how he thought of it, sometimes. Any place where he started to spend time became his territory, although he did draw the line at pissing on it to claim it. He sniffed indignantly and stared down at the smaller man, slightly intrigued by what he was doing. He seemed to be holding some kind of small electronic screen; Victor wasn't familiar with portable entertainment systems in general. He had to admit, he was curious. "What're you doing there, anyway? That some kind of remote detonation system?"

For all Victor knew, this man was some kind of a spy, sending covert information back to his own superiors. More importantly, it didn't overly bother him as long as he and the few he cared about were safe.


spikyflyboy October 12 2009, 05:07:32 UTC
"Umm, no. This would be a Nintendo DS. It's a game?" He held it up to show it, while still sitting on his spot -butt on pillow- taking up less than a square foot of space.

Hmm, possessive little ... well, big, guy. "Just, sitting here. Playing a game. Not being in my room. You know." And he was still blocking the light. "Seriously, just like, an inch to the left," he didn't add the please, and managed to keep the whine out of his voice. Sometimes, he did know what was good for him.


watch_the_nails October 12 2009, 17:18:44 UTC
Luckily for Jane, the decision to keep any sense of pleading or whining out of his voice definitely worked in his favour; it would have made Victor immediately tag him as weak, and therefore well below him. As it was, the feral was still confused by the DS game, and leaned in closer, squinting, to get a better look. And therefore blocking out even more light.

"Huh. Never had much time for games. Can't see it, anyway, that piddly little screen's too dark."

Shrugging, Victor moved aside and let Jane have a decent view of the console screen again, although the movement was by accident rather than by design. As he stepped around the other man, Victor noticed the strange bone-spike lying on the floor, and frowned; he leaned down to pick it up, and couldn't help but notice that it held the same scent as the man beside him. He'd had Jane pegged as just another of Stryker's human lackeys, but it looked like things could turn out to be a lot more interesting.

"Hey, you. G.I.Joe. This yours?"


spikyflyboy October 12 2009, 19:32:58 UTC
"Oh, um," a casual shrug, because sometimes he forgot what he did with the 'spare' ones, "yeah, it is." Of course he really didn't want to shiver again and spark another one coming out -he preferred to not ruin his clothes all the time.

Instead he flexed his wrist, bringing one out of the base of his arm, putting the DS to the side and pulling it all the way out. "You want another one?"


watch_the_nails October 12 2009, 19:39:05 UTC
He stared at the man for a moment, his eyes fixating on the bony spike protruding from his wrist. He cocked his head slowly to one side, one eyebrow raised, reaching out as if to tap gently at the bone. It was very similar to what Logan could do, only, it didn't seem quite as controlled. So the man was a mutant, after all.

"You been doing this long?"


spikyflyboy October 12 2009, 21:24:45 UTC
The game was forgotten for the moment; taking the spike from his wrist he toyed with hit for a moment, shrugging one shoulder carefully. "About a year; give or take a month or two." He hadn't really been keeping track.

They'd triggered during a jet eject, then there had been the trek past enemy lines and the wait for the pick up. It had been red-tape and questions after that.

Jane couldn't actually remember what date it was his powers fucked up his career. "Lose track of that kind of thing."


watch_the_nails October 12 2009, 21:43:42 UTC
"Ain't that the truth."

He reached out to take the newer bone spike from the man, turning it over in his clawed hands. It really was similar to Logan's, and even in his more primitive mind, Victor wondered somehow if the two mutations were connected.

"Looks like my brother's."


spikyflyboy October 12 2009, 22:00:16 UTC
"Yeah?" And that was interesting. Jane's spike didn't come out the same unless he focused on them. The one from his wrist was slim, clean cut and smooth. The earlier one from his shoulder was rough, jagged and uneven. There was a significant difference.

"He done that long?" From what Jane had been told, his mutation triggered late.


watch_the_nails October 12 2009, 22:04:24 UTC
"Give or take a hundred years."

He laughed at that, waiting to see the other man's reaction. Victor and Logan's longevity wasn't exactly a secret, but it wasn't something they tended to broadcast, either. Not many of the team knew about it, but it was something Victor was incredibly proud of, to be honest. Something else he could hold above everyone else's heads, another mark of superiority.


spikyflyboy October 12 2009, 22:36:10 UTC
And really, that was a bit of surprising. "So he's your big brother?" Because a hundred years? That was just a while. And frankly, Jane wasn't that aware of mutants and powers just yet.

He was still a rookie for this.

"So, he's got the same stuff and is really, really old?"


watch_the_nails October 12 2009, 22:40:10 UTC
"You've got to be shitting me! Jimmy's my little brother!" He gave a half-laugh, half-growl as he snickered at the other man; still, he was taking it in his stride, and that was another mark in his favour. Many other mutants - or humans, for that matter, but they already barely counted in Victor's book any more - would have been shocked by that revelation. "His isn't quite the same - they don't fall out, for a start. That'd be kind of inconvenient."


spikyflyboy October 12 2009, 22:54:36 UTC
"I hope I look that good at a hundred plus." So that meant they both had some sort of ability that kept them from ageing the same as others.

"They come out, I make more. They come out." And as if by a little example, Jane made three spikes force out from the tops of his fingers. This time they were small, almost like needles, but long -the length of his fingers. "I don't really know how it works, it just does."

He didn't bother asking. The spikes were just there.


watch_the_nails October 13 2009, 16:30:20 UTC
"What can I say, I take care of my body." He wasn't even sure whether Jane was trying to chat him up like Rictor often seemed to, throwing compliments at him all the goddamn time; not that it bothered Victor whether he was or not. He just kept on grinning, watching the man as he demonstrated his ability, somewhat pleased that here was someone who didn't seem scared, ashamed or disgusted by what they could do. Victor didn't have time for anyone who couldn't embrace what they were.

"You get worn out after making a lot?" After he and Logan had been severely injured, Victor always found he craved lots of red meat and protein-rich foods, things to help fuel the extra work and cell-regeneration caused by his healing factor. "You need to drink a lot of milk or something?" Because calcium was good for bones, right?


spikyflyboy October 13 2009, 17:56:04 UTC
Jane shrugged, shaking his hand to drop the spike out before picking them up to toy with them. "They made me practise hitting targets, like learning to shoot all over again. I dunno, guess I wanted some pizza after that, but I kinda dig pizza anyway."

He hadn't really thought about the technicalities of his powers. He just new he was a mutant, and hey, that was a little different for him. But it was just another thing to get used to and if he could fly F-15's and Vipers then he could learn to aim his man-made bone projectiles at a target.

"Still a little iffy on the hitting a target thing, but I also still dig pizza."


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