The Mechanic and The Flyboy (arrival, tag Lt. Worth. Open)

Oct 03, 2009 21:52

Des pulled into the garage, shutting off the Jeep and keeping her hands on the wheel. She'd passed through the gates no problem. A flash of ID, a big grin and she and Worth were in. No problem. She was just sitting because it was going to be a minute for her to get over the fact that the car was actually holding still.

The drive from St. Petersburg had been longer than either of them thought. The goddamn GPS had been mildly confused and Des finally shut it off, pulling out a map and following that instead. That had been easier. She was actually good with maps. They arrived shortly before the sun set ad Des couldn't be more apathetic.

She'd enjoyed the drive with Worth. He was fabulous to talk to, something she could spend hours doing, something she was looking forward to doing again.

Turning her eyes towards Worth, she smirked slightly.

"Ready to go in?" She sure as hell wasn't.

[content] arrival, lt jane 'spike' worth, ✝ fred 'blob' dukes, ✝ desdemona radison, ✝ nicky creed

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