*I am the Ground Shaker! Feel the earth tremble beneath your feet!* - OTA

Aug 29, 2009 03:21

*Luckily for Ric with Rogue having Martinis' powers it meant that she didn't need as much sleep. So for the time being they had pulled their army issue beds apart a little so that she could come and go as she pleased at night without disturbing Ric. If they hadn't broken their usual routine at night, of ensuring that there were blankets safely wrapped around them both, there was little doubt that Rogue would have accidentally touched Ric and drained his powers whilst they slept soundly.

When the incessant beeping of the alarm had gone off loudly in his ear Ric had glared bleary eyed at the red digits before turning over and pulling the pillow over his head. He was so tired that morning, his eyes felt heavy and not to mention his legs and arms ached like he had overused his muscles. As he lay there, head buried beneath the bedding, he waited for that twitchy feeling to start working its way up from his toes and spread through his body forcing him wide awake and ready to go.

But it never came.

Instead Ric felt that gentle and constant pull of the earth that he had begun to miss so badly, that steady humming feeling that told him the ground beneath him was stable and safe incase he had to do anything.

That woke Ric up.

Sitting bolt upright he stared at his hands, hair disheveled and the bedding flung across the bed (and floor), there was no electricity sparking off of his finger tips. Instead when Ric concentrated he could feel the reassuring presence of the earth grounding him*


*Screw offending anyone, sure Ric had loved his borrowed powers but he was beginning to miss what he knew as his own. Scrambling out of bed Ric dragged on the first pair of camo trousers he could find and stumbled outside into camp, wiggling his bare toes in the earth and absolutely loving the feeling!*


victor creed, ✝ edie daine/tammy daine, mark 'martini' martinez, julio 'rictor' esteban richter, [plot] power switch

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