TBH, though, I'm perpetually worried that my "HAI! WANTZ MUNNYZ?" spiel comes across as a variant of those "make cash working at home!!!1!" ads.
Part of it is that I don't have a big brand name. No-one cares that I saved a federal government department ten million dollars in two days. No-one cares that a quick writeup I did for Computer Sciences Corporation came out to three and a half million in savings. Because I don't have IBM or Unisys or CA on my business cards, I'm largely under the corporate radar.
I dislike pressure tactics in sales, or anything which basically involves annoying money out of people. I figure it's more straightforward, polite, and ethical to be completely upfront and let people say "Hey yeah, I know who could use that."
I'm a big fan of everyone-wins scenarios; they're a lot less likely to turn around and bite you later, and they're more likely to open doors. It'd be really cool to pay a finder their fee, and a week later get a call saying "Hey, my friend/sister/uncle also works for a place which could use you."
TBH, though, I'm perpetually worried that my "HAI! WANTZ MUNNYZ?" spiel comes across as a variant of those "make cash working at home!!!1!" ads.
Part of it is that I don't have a big brand name. No-one cares that I saved a federal government department ten million dollars in two days. No-one cares that a quick writeup I did for Computer Sciences Corporation came out to three and a half million in savings. Because I don't have IBM or Unisys or CA on my business cards, I'm largely under the corporate radar.
I dislike pressure tactics in sales, or anything which basically involves annoying money out of people. I figure it's more straightforward, polite, and ethical to be completely upfront and let people say "Hey yeah, I know who could use that."
I'm a big fan of everyone-wins scenarios; they're a lot less likely to turn around and bite you later, and they're more likely to open doors. It'd be really cool to pay a finder their fee, and a week later get a call saying "Hey, my friend/sister/uncle also works for a place which could use you."
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