Jul 24, 2010 12:17
yesssss this totally works! what is that noise anyway? are we under attack or something?
][open action;
[Here and there, today, across the City and the park and wherever you might happen to be, you might encounter fairly small, greenish freak whirlwinds. It is in fact Tommy Shepherd, running in circles very, very quickly, because at a certain point the doppler effect shifts the vuvuzelas up to a pitch he can't quite hear, and though he can't keep it up indefinitely it helps a bit. At other points when he gets... okay, bored, moreso than tired... one might find him sprawled somewhere on a bench or a low wall or a patch of grass. He is not picky, okay?
[ooc; if that doesn't make scientific sense please blame the physicist i keep on retainer ;D FEEL FREE to run into him (errrr preferably not literally!) out and about.]
[curse] bzzrzrzrzrzrrzzz,
curse: affected,
vuvuzelas assemble!,
quicksilver fast,
king magneto i of spain,
silly tags are silly