
Nov 08, 2011 09:52

Name: Autumn
Age: 35
Location: Maine
How did you become a fan of Once Upon a Time? Through Grimm, actually. I'd heard of both shows, but hadn't planned on watching them. A friend coerced me into watching the Grimm premier and I was hooked and Once Upon a Time is in the same field, so I watched that and got hooked :)
Favorite Character(s): Sheriff Graham
Ships (couples): None at the moment.
Other Fandoms You Love: Terra Nova, Castle, House, Fringe, Grimm, ASOAIF (Game of Thrones), Star Trek (TOS, TAS, TNG, Reboot), Firefly
Hobbies/Talents: writing, reading, computer games (WoW,, Age of Empires Online, Istaria, Portal2), MT:G, strategy board games (mayfair train games, Axis and Allies, etc), archery, cooking and music
Anything else you wanna tell us? Not that I can think of... eager to start the challenges :)


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