
Nov 07, 2011 19:13

Hello and welcome to Team Snow!

Your Team Leaders are  & burntheflaws. If you ever have any questions, you may ask either your team leaders or myself ( theonlyspl ).

Please obey all the rules.

Additional Rules for the team:
1. Respect your team leaders! They have the power to remove you from the group!
2. If any of your posts/entries contain mature content, please use the ( Read more... )

!welcome, !introductions

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confessoralana October 2 2014, 20:59:23 UTC
Name: Alana
Age: 31
Location: UK
How did you become a fan of Once Upon a Time? I was intrigued by a short summary a week before the show officially started.
Favorite Character(s): Regina, Snow
Ships (couples): Reegina/Daniel, Regina/Hood, Snow/Charming,
Other Fandoms You Love: I am a Trekkie at heart (24th century shows: TNG, DS9, Voyager) but I watch lots of stuff. I love The Good Wife, Law & Order:SVU, Legend of the Seeker (hence the username), Castle, Warehouse 13 (bastards at SyFy for cancelling it), Marvel's Agents of SHIELD, The Big Bang Theory, Haven etc...
Hobbies/Talents: I like making graphics but I am not necessarily very good at it. Martial arts, reading books (especially Tamora Pierce).
Anything else you wanna tell us? My favourite OuaT season is still by far the 1st. I didn't like the Neverland story arch and I thought it took way too long to conclude. I miss Cora and all the cr@pstorm that followed. I also loved Mary-Margaret before the curse broke. I think she was the most real character.

Some may recognise me as the former Team Regina mod from last year... oh, dear! It's been a while!


theonlyspl October 4 2014, 05:25:28 UTC
Hey! I think you'd be better off making a new post, I don't think anyone really checks this post anymore...


confessoralana October 4 2014, 18:14:23 UTC
Thanks. Will do...


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