Time to Start the AU Fest

Apr 02, 2008 17:44

April is finally here, and it's AU time! We would like to invite you all to post your stories on the day they are due, whenever that is for you. Please let your mods know if you will be late.

Simple Posting Guidelines

Your post should include the following categories (some of these are requested by the comm mod, mecurtin, in the userinfo for this comm):

Pairing: (Optional - not needed if your story is gen or complete OT4. This the place to mention if only one pair are romantically involved, if you have a major side pairing not part of the foursome, or other special circumstances.)
Warnings: (Include spoilers for S4 [or other shows] and anything you think might squick some readers. You do not need to warn for poly, het, or slash.)
Summary: (Optional, but a good idea. For art, you can substitute a teaser instead.)


Your story (or a link to it, including all headers) should be posted to the comm on the day you signed up for, your local time. If you post a link, please include these headers on your actual story: rating, pairings (if applicable), prompt, and warnings (if applicable). That way the Master List can link directly to your work without concern.

ETA: Pimping. Yes. You can pimp your story anywhere you like, no need to wait. We will also add your story to our Master List, which will be pimped as a whole at the end of the the Fest. /ETA

Our goal is to spread Team AU love across the whole month, so you really should let lovetheboys or myself know in advance if you're not going to make it. I only have 2 secret backup plans, so if I use them both and then you email me 2 hours before the end of your day, I might cry. You don't want that, trust me.

There are nine betas available over here. Use them gently. ^_^
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