Sep 27, 2011 05:53
Remember when I said Challenge 10 was going to be a little different? Well, this is what I meant by different. For this challenge, the objective is to do what we did for Challenge 4 with the Header Images.
Alyse thought it would be a good idea to have a 2-3 day discussion first to see if you guys want to do more than just a Header.
So what say you? Would you like to keep it simple and everyone make a header and then vote on which one to use for our Team profile? OR do you want to wipe the slate completely clean and start from scratch with a new header, theme etc? Do you want voting to be in 3's, 2's, or we all vote for just 1 header and unanimously decide which graphic goes up as our Team Header? Or do you want to do voting at all? (Alyse with the brilliant mind that she has, suggested we rotate headers so we're not "competing" amongst ourselves. Personally, I like this idea as it shows unity)
Should we give Richard a perm while we're at it and sharpen up his blade or bedazzle the shit out of it for a sparkling surprise?
This is part 1 to this 3 part challenge! So lay everything on me here!
Alyse and I were going to let you all decide if there should be voting for the header or not but then I re-read Muse’s “briefing” and apparently voting is a must as it will also count as participation points. This discussion will count as participation if you all decide NOT to do voting. (Voting can be done for extra things like a theme/layout/colour scheme/etc. If anyone is willing to do some extra work (we can always put the header to use in the meantime so technically the challenge will be over and we'll have our points and it can all be considered extracurricular.))
Challenge mission: ONE header.
You’ve the opportunity to suggest extra’s below so that we can give our Team page a complete make over.
*Also I apologize for this being late, I had to work until 4AM this morning. I am completely exhausted.
**It should be known that this challenge is worth 200 POINTS!!! Points that we NEED! If any of you keep up with the spreadsheet, you would have noticed that we are a whopping 700+ points BEHIND the Confessors. We've got some catching up to do, so I need ALL of you to join in and participate. I've noticed that a recurring 3 to 4 of you are the only ones who pay attention to my posts over here. The rest of you NEED to join in for this challenge as it will only be posted here in the Team thread, and I'm sorry to disappoint but I am the one running it. So please, bare with me and then you can go back to ignoring me so long as you do the challenges.
battle 08: team challenge,
!mod post