How Cain Met the Shag Wagon... 07

Jun 04, 2010 00:58

Title: Little Black Dress
Author: Erin (erinm_4600)
Characters, Pairing: Adora, Wyatt, DeMilo and two OCs
Rating: high-PG (for Wyatt Cain's language)
Summary: While on a routine investigation, drastic measures need to be taken to get to the evidence... even if that means putting a Tin Man in a dress...
Warning: pre-series, Tin Man!Adora 'verse. *Written for Round 27 of prompt-in-a-box. Prompt #6: "I wouldn't say I invented tacky, but I definitely brought it to its present high popularity." (Bette Midler); and inspired by Prompt 007 at team_demilo. I blame Bad Horse, bizarra and THIS photo of Faith Hill.
Disclaimer: The original characters belong to L. Frank Baum and their respective actors. The current characters belong to Sci-Fi, the movie folks and their respective actors. The OCs are mine.

"You'll need shoes."

Yeah.. it's SO over the 500-word limit.. *shrugs*

prompt: 007, erinm_4600

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