Mar 31, 2007 12:39
Has everyone forgotten about the Decorate Lizzy's Cubicle contest? I've had no entries yet, though 1 or 2 have shown some interest. I'm still waiting for you all. I believe you will come through for me, lol.
Life has been one stress after another. My home life is a complete mess right now, and i'm still on my quest for new living arrangements. I have a promising lead to check out tomorrow. My own room and private bath room in a 3 bedroom 3 storey townhouse right behind the Gardens Mall. We'll see how that works out. I'm hoping it feels like the right fit. I'm tired of getting into a fight every few days. I'd really like to get myself settled so i can get myself enrolled in school. I love the fact that my mother comes to yell about me for one thing, then calmly asks about what happened to me going back to school. I tell her it's none of her business, i'm crazy busy and stressed with the house right now, and that asking about that after an arguement is incredibly bad timing and inappropriate. Then she throws in my face that it's her money just sitting around and she wants to know if i'm ever going to use it. Of course she's referring back to my Florida Pre-paid college. I feel like i can't tell my mother anything because she's just going to be a woman and throw it back in my face later.
Other than that crap, i'm in good spirits, i hope to find a nice home with good people to become friends with. Anything to get out of here. I found a red spot on the white of my eye and one can only imagine it's from the shit that keeps going down.
I want to see the new Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle movie, lame? Maybe. Totally exciting the child in me, COMPLETELY.
I've been so thankful for the father i have who's been so there for me whenever i've needed him lately. I'm proud of that man. I may start to go out to Okeechobee more on the weekends. I can take my saddle out there and go riding and go fishing in the pond my dad's been stocking with fish he feeds daily. It's nice to get out of town sometimes, everything moves so fast here. There's never any time for relaxation. Plus you know, the family which i never see.
Well i'm going to go clean my room now, so i can begin to pack my things. When i do find a place to move, i want to get out of here so fast, no one will be sure i was ever here at all.