Terribly sorry for the late reply. Our LIMS is not going smoothly. In fact, I'm cancelling Round Two until December. I'm sorry for not responding.
The mods are VERY busy with school and stuff.
Well our LIMS 'winners' are
raven353 &
Let me say this:I HIGHLY OBJECT THAT THIS ROUND WAS 100% FAIR. We should have made everyone partner with one person the whole round to make it fair. One person might have got to the next week by counting on a good icon-maker.
This LIMS is not a REAL round one though it is still counted as a round. I did not know how I would find so many errors in this LIMS. Apologies to those who hoped they would officially win a LIMS but you didn't. No one won. There is no LIMS for this round.
There is confusion among us, yes I know. But after further consideration. I've decided that Round One is not a real round but a round that tells you what is going on here. I also got to know how much there is to do here.
The last week winners will get a banner but not an official LIMS banner
This was kind of like a mock round.
Your banners are in the make. Please consider we mods are VERY busy at the moment.
If anyone would like to make particular banners for us, it would be much appreciated.
Please comment here.
I DO NOT TOLERATE ANY 'Oh I wasted my efforts on this LIMS. What a stupid LIMS.'.
I have never done a collaboration LIMS. I didn't know how exactly to make this LIMS 100% fair. I didn't realise in the end, everyone had to have the same partners to be fair.
Apologies. But please don't attack me with comments. I'm not in the mood to deal with such members.