Sep 28, 2007 07:24
Hi everyone,
I wanted to bring this to you ladies because it has been bugging me tremendously in the last week and I'm not sure what steps (if any) we need to take to remedy it.
I posted brief spoilers for the first episode over 2 months ago on JAA. Several people (mostly LJ members) replied with comments, that was great, and that was it.
In the last week there have been an absolute torrent of comments on the initial Season 8 spoiler post, ALL from "anonymous" posters, many sounding like someone who'd just had an entire can of Red Bull, and subsequently (post-episode) many more ALL-anonymous comments to the spoiler post requesting for people (myself or fellow anonymous commenters, I'm not sure) to post the episode on youtube or upload the whole thing or such because they don't get CBS.
I guess that I am concerned that people are running around, last-minute, desperate for any kind of spoilers (as they have a right to be!), but I think the numerous comments without bothering to join LJ/JAA or even post a name kind of got to me. I know JAA is open to everyone, which is great because we want to share the Jorja love, but it just didn't sit right with me. I think it is the influx of uncensored anonymous comments that got to me.
Any thoughts? I'd really appreciate your opinions and ideas on this.