Hello all!
Happy New Year to everyone!
Any cool resolutions for 2009? Mine is to be organized and time-efficient, and to GET THINGS DONE EARLY!! (It goes without saying that this is a blanket NY's resolution for every year. But this time it will LAST! Oh yes...)
There are piles and piles of good fic still waiting to be read for Yuletide, Piercefic'08(extended--phew!--to '09), and this f'list. Yuletide had some fantastic stories this year and I'll be reccing my favourites when I finish reading. I haven't even started on the Piercefic entries yet, although I was pleased to see some of my favourite stories from 2008 turning up! I am also trying to get something finished for Piercefic. Taybur is being difficult, so instead I want to finish off the Scanran thing I started for the Neglected Country Challenge at
A book rec: Inheritance by Lan Samantha Chang. It's a gorgeous first novel about sisters, families and love that starts in 1930's China and ends in present day America. Some books focus on cultural identity as their theme, but I prefer stories like this one, where I absorbed the cultural and historical details almost unconsciously, because the concerns, desires and tragedies of the characters felt so immediate and relevant to me: universal but personal. 20th century Chinese history is so fascinating in its own right, but it's something again to see fictional people live and breathe that particular time and place. These characters and this book really resonated with me.
Also: Two cups of coffee in one day is one cup too many.