The Rules

Mar 06, 2010 20:41

01. Please respect your fellow comm-members. We're all here for the same reason - we love Tin Man - and we all have different opinions. Flaming of any kind will not be tolerated. If you feel you are being flamed or disrespected, please contact one of the mods.

02. All posts must be related to Tin Man, be it actor discussions, The Wizard of Oz comparisons or character breakdowns. If the conversations go off-topic, that's fine, but a post regarding the lasest episode of Survivor doesn't belong here.

03. This is not your personal LJ. Pimping and advertisements are welcome as long as they are related to Tin Man, but they MUST be cleared by a mod FIRST.

04. All ships - or not - are welcome! (SEE RULE #1.)

05. For the sake of LJ standards, we ask that any prompt/challenge responses that are rated R or above MUST be locked to the comm, or posted to your own LJ and linked. ALL LJ rules apply.

06. NO PLAGIARIZING. This will result in automatic banning.

07. Please don't spam the community. If you've got multiple prompt/challenge responses, post them at once, using LJ-CUTS, or post to your personal LJ and provide links. For discussion prompts, please make sure that the topic hasn't already been discussed before posting. If you'd like to revisit a discussion, please provide a link to the original post, along with your new thoughts.

08. Please TAG your posts. If you need a tag, please let a mod know.

09. Only responses to the prompts/challenges should be posted to the team comms. General fanfiction/fanart does not belong here. Please see THIS post for places to post your work. Cross-posting your responses is also welcome, but please make sure that you FOLLOW the rules of those comms.

10. The mods reserve the right to change the rules at any time, for any reason, and they don't even have to tell you about it. But, they probably will. Or not.

11. If you have ANY questions, at ANY time, please contact a mod. We're here to help. And we don't bite. Unless you want us to. o.O


* Fanfic and fanart (excluding icons) must have an appropriate header, stating TITLE, RATING, TEAM, PROMPT and any WARNINGS. If you think it needs a warning, it probably does. You're quite welcome to add further information, if you wish.

* Please tag your posts. Prompt/challenge posts will have header and tag specifics.

* Please place any work over 100 words behind a cut.

* ALL images displayed outside of an lj-cut must be no larger than 350 pixes wide/high. If you've got a lot of images, be sure to include a note stating such, for the sake of those on dial-up.

* Please limit icon previews in a post to THREE (3).

* Did we mention HAVE FUN?

If this works for you, please JOIN A SIDE!

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