Re: Halloween Rec GivingentwashianOctober 31 2014, 10:32:43 UTC
Are you familiar with Flight of the Conchords? They're a New Zealand folk-rock-humor-ish? musical group that had a tv show where they played versions of themselves, and one episode was Bowie-themed. Here's a YouTube video with some samples from that episode.
3 Things I Like: Buffy: the Vampire Slayer, Psych, Die Hard
Re: Halloween Rec GivingcollsNovember 1 2014, 16:09:46 UTC
McClane kicks ass and can't decide whether Hans Gruber should live or die. And shit is blowing up! Music: "I can't decide" from Scissor Sisters YouTube link
Re: Halloween Rec GivingcatkoNovember 1 2014, 08:23:28 UTC
Okay, maybe you already knew about this, but apparently you can set up Tumblr feeds for fic from AO3, so check it out...
I like Sherlock BBC, the New Normal gifsets, and The Mindy Project!
Re: Halloween Rec GivingskieswideopenNovember 4 2014, 04:38:11 UTC
I'm sorry; I didn't see this until now. I've been checking regularly for comments marked as spam, though, since it seems to be happening to a lot of people. I think I got them all, but if it's still a problem or you run into it again, feel free to PM me!
Re: Halloween Rec GivingwagrobaniteNovember 2 2014, 05:51:46 UTC
for xjadedgrlx It looks like you have stuff with a supernatural theme so I'm gonna recommend a book for you (hope you haven't read it already!): The Blood Gospel by James Rollins. It's the first book in the series and while I wasn't a huge fan of it (though I love 99% of the rest of stuff written by him) but I think you might like it.
I love History, books, and North American river otters :D
Re: Halloween Rec GivingjacklemmonNovember 2 2014, 17:22:59 UTC
for you, I would definitely recommend, since you like history and books, The Envoy by Alex Kershaw.Because I think everyone should know about Raoul Wallenberg, and it's a good read as well. :D
I like: Teen Wolf, It's Always Sunny In Philadelphia, and puppies :x
( ... )
15 Greatest Fictional Bears Ever
I like Labyrinth (Jareth/Sarah), David Bowie, and A Royal Affair. :D
3 Things I Like: Buffy: the Vampire Slayer, Psych, Die Hard
Bonus from 2009 festivids: Shooter - a Die Hard vid
3 things I like: Star Wars, spaceships, pancakes.
I like cute otter pictures/videos, Agents of SHIELD vids, and anything with Stahma Tarr of Defiance.
I currently enjoy sterek, different versions of popular games [ie; 2048] and jurassic park [it's my nanowrimo]
I like Sherlock BBC, the New Normal gifsets, and The Mindy Project!
I like cute cats, funny cats, and well...cats.
I like Forever, Elementary and Silent Witness
I like The Originals (Klaus/Hayley), Teen Wolf (Erica, Cora, Lydia, Kali), and Once Upon a Time in Wonderland (Will/Anastasia).
eta -- Thank you!
I love History, books, and North American river otters :D
I like: Teen Wolf, It's Always Sunny In Philadelphia, and puppies :x
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