Oh man, Heroes was awesome! It more than made up for last week's dullness, I think.
I actually liked future!Peter - all of Claude's original training paid off, hmm? (And speaking of Claude, are we going to see him again? I need an Eccleston fix!) I think I miss Peter's silly old hair. This greasy, slicked-back thing just looks dirty. And if he can heal himself, why did he have those face scars? Is the healing power selective?
Tricky, tricky Sylar! You had me fooled.
Poor dead Nathan. Thank heavens we get to go back and make you live.
Claire still makes me want to smack her, and the dye job didn't really make her look like she'd aged.
Overall, very entertaining! And the Hiro/Ando stuff was sweet.
It should not be 25 C in April. I'm melting!