So, we had to put my Princess down yesterday. Her liver was failing along with a bunch of other problems, and she had stopped eating or drinking and was having trouble getting around. It happened ridiculously quickly - she was fine (or at least, seemed fine, though in retrospect she hadn't been quite herself for a while) a week ago then just started sleeping in the same place on one of our couches all the time, which was really odd since she's incredibly friendly and never sleeps alone. Took her into the vet's on Friday where they did a bunch of tests and said that she was dying, and that she'd have anywhere from a few days to a few months. Obviously, I was hoping for and assuming the latter, but she just got worse and worse. It was really, really awful taking her in yesterday. I can't even begin to describe how terrible I feel: selfish and sad and full of regrets. And I really, really miss her. She has been my best friend, sister, guardian, confidant, everything for the past eleven or so years, and I feel completely lost without her.