Fluffys, fluffys, ten for a penny!

Apr 03, 2007 13:55

O lawks missus! As you can tell I'm having a strange day, read a forum i never ever read and had to laugh at the levels of fluffydom on a supposedly serious space. The problem is of course that every forum now claims to be serious - it's the new "black" in pagan circles. Twits who a few years ago were breathlessly posting about how they never knew they were witches though granny was best friends with Gardner and they think they may be psychic are lecturing newbies on their shortcomings. Pot, Kettle, Black, kids. Those who once had to ask for definitions of witch and wiccan should not look down their noses at the ignorant newbie. With the result of course that all kinds of glaring inconsistencies pass unchallenged among discussions of “Is Alexandrian older than Gardnerian” or “is BTW open to Americans “(who cares? Its all effing wicca! None of it is old, or even a tradition!)

So how to prove you’re “serious”? Well if possible pretend you know what pagan is, definitively and above everyone else, that works. Of course if anyone pins you down run like hell lol. You don’t want to have to actually answer the question, eh? And of course start every post with “as a serious pagan” or some other flag to let us all know you are serious. If possible, ridicule every aspect of paganism or indeed mysticism that requires more than a bloodyminded stubbornness or simplistic negation of other paths.

Of course as you are only a few years away from utter ignorance yourself, you will have to gloss over some things - like a glaring inability to tell the difference between wicca and witchcraft - hint BTW is not witchcraft. If you can tell me why you probably have grasped the basics.

it’s a little odd you know. I keep seeing the same handful of types on pagan forums or at least if not the same, so similar as to be interchangeable. It’s a bit spooky to be honest; I wonder if they’re churned out in some factory somewhere J or maybe there really aren’t more than a handful of them and they simply sign in under various names and argue with themselves

. Anyway needless to say it’ll be  a cold day in hell before I bother with that place again even out of curiosity.

Sadly that applies to almost every website for pagans - I wish it didn’t. I firmly believe that if we tried harder we would raise the standards of paganism, that there really is no excuse for not correcting the misinformation, for tolerating the lies. If someone is “serious” why are they not serious about the history of their path? Why allow lies to go unchallenged? To me my occult tradition is a precious and inviolable part of my heritage. I can’t conceive of allowing people to lie about it. My spirituality is highly prized, sacred - why on earth would I lie or tolerate lies about it? Be serious? Be truthful.

pagan forums, online, pagan, traditional, web

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