I saw it!

Jul 11, 2007 10:16

You know, I thought I was a fan...I really did...until I go to get my advance tix only to find out that IMAX is sold out.  Then I leave pretty early to get my seats to find out that people have been sitting in line since the night before.  It really shouldn't have surprised me all that much and I really should have known better but, well, I guess I dropped the ball.

That was how I found myself in the second row of the theater at 11:00pm with nothing but teenagers surrounding me.  No offense to teenagers but it can sometimes cause self-doubt when one realizes one is at least ten years older than everyone around her.

"Kids these days..."

I think to myself; quickly followed by,

"Crap!  I'm getting old!"

Anyway, I'm kind of in between "I really liked it" and "It was alright" right now.  Most of that is due to the shady quick jumps during some parts of the film (mostly the ending) and the fact that I admittedly let myself anticipate something glorious a little too much.  I can't help the feeling that I kept expecting something...more.  I'm not really sure what...just more...

Lovely things:

Snape: Being the Snape-fangirl that I am, you really can't go wrong with him.  Rickman is, of course, wonderful as always and there were some wonderful Snape moments here.

--  I know the shot of him being interrogated by Umbridge is going to make itself known in quite a few fanvids.  
     --  Not to mention the multitude of shots Snarry fans are going to be peeing themselves over...dragging Harry
         down the staircase, anyone?
                  -- Also some puppiness going on.  Some.  If you squint your eyes as most of us do, anyway...
                  -- Oh, and being the Snupin girl that I am, I loved the shot of Lupin apparating into the Dept. of Mysteries. 
                     He just looks all powerful and alpha.  It's like a three-second shot and they don't show much more of him
                     than that but, well, refer to the squinting above.
     --  The Snape's Worst Memory scene was not as long as it should have been (no, seriously, would it have been
          terrible to add five more minutes?) and the good Lord knows that moment where he goes ballistic on 
          Harry should have been..well...ballistic?  
     --  Also, the "Prepare Yourself" scene had me laughing because I kept remembering the talk about Snape's 
          teaching methods on one of the last Snapecasts' when either 
msavi or 
chaeche  (I sometimes still can't 
          tell, I'm sorry!) gave the wonderful parody:
                    Snape: Today we are going to be learning non-verbal spells.  Okay, do it!

Umbridge:  Imelda Staunton is impeccable.  Interestingly enough, as horrible as she is and as much I think she got what she deserved, I actually felt a bit sorry for Umbridge during the "you were trying to trick me" moment.  Also, on thway home, my grandmother said, "That pink lady reminded me of my aunt..." I had no idea what to say, so I was like, ...  My poor grandmother!

Grawp: Almost made me cry

Luna: I just want to hug her she was so lovely.

Shacklebolt: "You've got to admit, Dumbledore's got style!"  hee hee

Dumbledore: kicks ass

Voldemort: lovely as always...oh, wait, I mean Ralph is lovely as always.  On the way home my mother asked me, "No, seriously, why doesn't he have a nose?"

Cho: Not as mad as I thought I'd be at the fact that they turned her into the "tattler."  I actually liked her a lot more than I have been.

The Trio:  Wonderful as ever.

Things that are a drag:

--  Would it have really been that much more of a bother to have the note disclosing the location of #12
         Grimmauld Place rather than Moody tapping his staff?  No, seriously...this is probably the biggest issue I take 
         with this film.
     --  I always thought Grimmauld Place would be more of a gothic mansion...I mean, it's the "The Noble and Most
         Ancient House of Black," right?  I still thought it would lie inbetween modern houses but that it, in and of itself,
        would still look, well, ancient on the outside.
     --  Bellatrix does not AK Sirius, dammit.
     --  And while we're on the subject of Bellatrix...not much of an Helena Bonham Carter fan over here, right now.
     --  I always assumed Snape wasn't giving Umbridge real Veritaserum (countered with the Cho-arc above)
     --  Don't we need a little more Kreacher?

There's probably more but that's it for now...

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