Feb 16, 2010 15:31
Hoppy Mardi Gras!
I tried to check out some Jane Austin from the library. They don't have a copy of P and P, apparently it's been lost or damaged.
I checked out and am reading Ali Shaw, The Girl with Glass Feet. The cover color matches my comforter.
walking has been much more regular. Three miles at least most days.
I have a pile of books to read before I have to mail them away or return them to the library.
It's been very rushed with the Toad birthday, Valentine's day, Mardi Gras, attempting to walk, mentoring....
reading stuff out of my comfort zone.
I have to say, i'm not a huge fan of most chick lit i've read. The characters seem dippy, or preoccupied with stupid things that don't matter in the vast scheme of things, but then I could say a great deal of what's important to me isn't to others.
Shayna, am i saving you banana moon pies for beltaine?
The cut and paste olympic viewing is frustrating!!!! We've nO DVR either, so i was nearly asleep when the last event i wanted to see was on last night.
I think if someone were to decide to break in here they'd be furious with the lack of pawnshop sale-able stuff in this place.
I should write a sign, My TV is probably older than you are! :) to hang at the back door.