Jan 18, 2007 20:13
toad's sick. At least he didn't toss up the cookies literally, because he took them to work to give away. Cameron came over and made cookies and no carbs are allowed here that look remotely like yummy cookies or i will eat them all. Toad did toss up whatever he had left in his stomach from lunch.
Showering helped his headache. yay. i had him sniff the empty teal, that makes it better, bottle of baby bath wash with menthol. It h elps me. I have to get a new one.
Since lots of the people we visited with were sick previously with the barf thing there is no way that we could determine who had what or where toad's came from. He can't even drink water.
Sudaphed vapore dealy plugged in to help his congestion with nasal spray and vicks on his chest.
He's got a fever and his head hurts.
I think this is a lousy way to make me have to take out the trash when it's cooking chicken night. I try to buy the chicken when it's trash night or the day before so i can ditch the wrappers pronto.