People Definitely Like You
You are very well liked, and many people admire you.
You are friendly, well mannered, and fun to be around.
Of course, you're not perfect... but that's okay.
Your friends are usually willing to accept you for who you are!
What People Don't Like About You:
People don't like that you're quite sensitive and easily offended. People feel like they have to watch their words around you.
People don't like that you forget them easily. No one wants to be friends with someone who doesn't remember their name!
People don't like that you only tend to take complements. It makes you seem insecure... and unappreciative.
What People Like About You:
People like that you give them support and strength. Friends know that they can count on you to be there for them.
People like that you are genuine and real. They can count on you to be yourself.
People like that you truly take and interest in them. Everyone likes to be liked!
Do People Like You?