Aug 27, 2005 18:25
waiting for the "boom" at the end.
we are getting there. just not quite as quickly as i would like.
caffine pills anyone? who really needs sleep anyway?
still looking like me, sticckler, and marc for loading the truck. although my mother is going to come over as well, most of the heavy stuff will be moved by me and sticckler. wish my sister was close by for a day.. or that i knew more people here who would be willing to come and help out.
the other end seems to have arranged itself. marc, me, sticckler, john, andy? adam? can't recall his name since i've never actually met him, and perhaps even kevin. *now that would be an interesting first meeting wouldn't it??*
work finally came through with my vacation pay. now just waiting for any kind of out come from sun life.
well that is about it for my update time.
anyone out there willing to come and run boxes downstairs on the 31st??