Jun 01, 2007 11:10
So Wowing more lately... I will post my characters so you can see I am in desperate need of an intervention so I can get back to my learing of Creative Suite *remember Tim trying to teach me way back when* Head Twirls.... At work, but not wanting to work... no no no... Its Friday. I wanted to call in sick because of my sinus's were being bad this morning but nooooo, husband says if you can walk you will go! Barked me out the door... *TEARS*
Trying to be a good Guild Mistress and will update your levels and your skills soon. I am attempting to level all my own skills to enjoy the game but damn it, this is a slackers guild. mew. Again People. Monarch is a position exclusively held by Kelly and Dean mainly bc they have a. led a guild on their own prior, b.been in charge of running instances, c. have lvl 60+ characters and d. cause I cant be online all the friggin time. If you want to become a Monarch... youve got to prooooove yourself. I can yeah or nay as final approval on Moncarchs but it is the existing Monarchs who say, yes. bob can be a Monarch bc of these following reasons. blah blah blah. Mew.
Brain coffee addled.