a sad day in the life of this CL graduate

Feb 08, 2006 07:07

this week is 'spirit week' at CL...

which means that depending on the different themes of the days, you dress up according to that theme to show your school spirit...

i asked my little brother what todays theme was, he said "mardi gras"...

then my brain exploded and i fell over...because at that moment i tied in mardi gras with new orleans which is 20 feet underwater, and when you are given the opportunity to 'dress up' in that theme to show your school spirit...well, not that i need to spell it out, but...

i told my brother dress as a hurricane katrina victim!

how fucking cool would that be! i mean, he couldve made local news for christ sakes! it reminds me of my high school days, and it seems only right that my little brother carry the defiant, tasteless, smartass torch into a new graduating class...

but no...today is 'professional dress day' for one of his classes...where he has to don is favorite shitty lime-green blazer, one of my black button up shirts and a pair of slacks...this is necessary because learning to dress oneself for a professional work atmosphere takes years to perfect...best start while they're young...

"or else i lose fifty points!" he says...what a dick...

i had it all planned out for him too...a soaking wet oversized yellow shirt with wet cargo pants, a blanket to wrap himself up in, a stick with some belongings(probably dry clothes) wrapped in a handkerchief at the end, and an orange life jacket to be acquired from the school pool...just because we dont have one and its pretty short notice...

its just depressing now that hes left for school and i know it wont happen...

oh, and before i catch any flak for this, keep in mind that its just a joke, its not like ive got some kind of political adgenda against the victims of hurricane katrina...i mean its not like i told him to paint his face brown and go looting from different classrooms...


...okay, so i did...but i meant it as a joke...

quote: few novels or plays could exist without at least one troublemaker in the group, and perhaps life couldn't either.
-mignon mclaughlin
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