Ah Flytie - what can I say.... well, we are in the Silvia Trkman Foundations class and that is great. AND, very difficult. We are so far behind in general training, so some of the class work is challenging.
Major problem 1. She has virtually no recall. Really, I know it's because she was on leash lock down for 13 months, and now is 15 months and is like, see ya, sucka.... But so freakin frustrating! This is particularly manifesting in Silvia's class as we throw a ball for her in the weave channel - and if we are to start the running contacts we also need to do this. Sometimes she is all about the two ball game - throw one, she comes back for the second, etc. BUT often she says, nope I prefer THIS ball in my mouth and screw you mom, I am not coming. I had her on a long line for a long time, but she can't do weave stuff and even cik/cap stuff on a long line. THOUGHTS - help - really, I am a dog trainer, but when it's Flyte, I just want to scream and my trainer brain shuts down...
Littler Problem #2 - I watched Tammy with Hot Pie this weekend and started Flytie on the Mecklenburg one jump drill (back and forth), but one thing she is doing is really flinging her back end wide on the landing - not the goal. Since I have no LM people down here at all, I am looking for feedback on how to have her not fling her hiney. Do I go lower and reward those where she doesn't do that? Do I use an artificial barrier, like a wing? Thanks LM folks for the help.
3. Not a problem - a question - to run or not to run....those contacts, sigh. Tammy, I feel ya -I haven't fully decided, but I think I'll start with the RC and also work the 2o2o. I actually feel so overwhelmed with material, that adding this in (with no daylight to train) is crazy, but I thought I'd try. I also will probably work if with TEAGUE since he has a default non-stop contact on the DW at this point - maybe I could actually get him to hit..
Oh, and here's a hit of Flyte doing one of the Silvia Exercises so you know she still is real :) This is from a couple of weeks ago. In THIS video she is bringing the balls back (90% of the time), now our percentage is much lower :(
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Caio, Jennifer