Oct 17, 2008 18:27
on your morning walk to the train station you see the neighbour in her pink dressing gown and blundstone boots on her way to the local corner store.
yesterday at work i msgd a friend about the lousy night id had (bad dreams and unfinished business); she suggested I take off my shoes and ground myself. what a fucking excellent idea! so easy i DIDNT think about it. i walk through a reserve to and from work every day so yesterday after work i walked through and took off my shoes and scrunched my toes through the grass. the sublime feelings entered my body immediately. whilst i was doing this i was jumped on by a dozen dogs! i see a guy walking a bunch of dogs twice a day and i was finally stationary to have a chat with him. he's probably in his 50/60's and he's been walking dogs for about 12yrs... whilst we were talking one of the golden retrievers took a shine to me; he was gorgeous. i would love a dog, but im only going to be in the country for about 7yrs, so im wondering at the convenience, plus all the trips away on weekends that i plan to do; i cant really see it being practical. i may just have to hang at the park more... grin
thanking you for the suggestion; you're golden.