Jun 08, 2006 11:55
Well it's been pretty strange recently.
I didn't get into Falmouth, I've had a word with a few lecturers and someone else who didn't get into the course and aparantly the work might be a bit too advanced for their liking.
Plus the fact I held the interviews back 20 mins by being overenthusiastic. Fuckers.
Anyway, Ucas then sent my form off to my second choice, but in true 'sod's law'fashion it ended up in a college, not a uni, and a half assed course, rather than a Degree.
I paid them 15 quid and they still can't get it right! So I've been hot on the heels of my second choice, Exeter and rearanged a time and interview and course application off my own back, thank you very much Ucas!
Anyway the bloke at interview was a bit pesismistic and said that there was a high chance that I wouldn't get in, what with missing the acutal application deadline, etc and with spaces filled.
Anywho, he saw me work, and just let me straight in! woot! So chuffed :D