(no subject)

May 01, 2006 12:53

Ok, I saw Silent Hill, and I have to say, some amazing eye-candy, but the soundtrack was crammed in.
I didn't like how some tracks just kicked staight into the next, like an attempt to fit as much in as possible.
Scenes were just played out in horrific detail, instead of letting your mind wander, I mean we never saw that guard monster in the Labrynth in SH2, THAT was why it was good.
Nothing scary at all about it, unless you don't like gore.
I would go into stuff futher, but I wouldn't want to ruin it for anyone.
So yeh, I have mixed response, of course I'll go out and imeadiatly buy it on Dvd because pyramid head was just badass.
Didn't like how he was woven into it though.

But yeh, uh, from those of you on the edge of your seats from my last thrilling post, I have no idea how my interview went, my lecturer is on a post degree course taught by one of the interviewers, and she said he liked me work, but couldn't say if I had a place.

Not too fussed at the moment, not the end of the world, well for a long shot.

One last thing, I feel sick, I felt like playing Earthworm Jim Special edition with CD Audio and extra levels and animation, but I can't find it ANYWHERE...... aaaaaaaaaaargh, I don't want to buy it again!
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