Hi, this is your erstwhile community moderator.
I'm currently in a bit of a tight spot, and I'm not sure when I can next participate in or organize a tea trade.
Is there anybody in the community who'd like to take over?
In the past, I did the Tea Trades thusly:
- Interested parties e-mailed me with their LJ name, contact info, allergy info and tea preferences (loose leaf, sealed tea bags, or either)
- I paired people up according to similar tea preferences (the logic being that people who preferred loose leaf would probably have loose-leaf available to send to others, and so forth)
- I e-mailed each pair with each others' contact info, and left it up to them to hash out details.
If the new Tea Trade organizer has a different system, of course, that would be a-okay with me.
I don't know whether it would be better to have one single Tea Trade organizer, or to have it rotate so that a new person organizes it each month... I'm open to suggestions, and would be happy to make a poll if people are interested.
Please feel free to e-mail me at twotone at livejournal dot com.