Title: in words
christn7Rating: G
Characters/Pairing: Ten/Rose
Spoilers: Post-Doomsday
Author's notes: Not angst, happy now? ;)
Summary: Only human, his Rose, and they need that, the words.
in words
It’s terribly important, he realises, brushing the damp hair from her forehead.
It’s unspoken and unsaid and too big to put into words, this thing that’s between them. And it’s better that way - for him. Beyond definition, beyond the realm of words and thoughts and that makes it more, makes it untouchable.
He loves her, yes. More now than before and she knows that - she must - but it’s important. Only human, his Rose, and they need that, the words.
‘I adore you,’ he whispers, breath trapped in the strands of her hair.
One day, very soon, he’ll tell her properly.