Title: Always Too Late
christn7Rating: G
Characters/Pairing: Ten/Rose, Jack/Rose
Spoilers: Post-Doomsday, Post-Kiss Kiss Bang Bang
Author’s notes: Many thanks to
Summary: It’s the first thing he notices, the little band of gold.
Always Too Late
It’s the first thing he notices.
Well, not the very first, what with her different hair and her older eyes, that great big smile and the hug... but it is very high on the list of First Things he’s noticed.
He feels like it’s been so long since he saw her, so very long since he’s held her - and it has been - that he’s not really to blame.
After all that time, it’s not surprising that the first thing he does isn’t to look at the fourth finger on her left hand.
It’s there when he does, though. Understated and golden and it doesn’t really sparkle and she doesn’t exactly glow, but oh, it’s there.
“You’re married,” he says, taking her hand and rubbing his thumb across the gold band.
Her grin widens. “Yeah.”
“That’s great.” He has to clear his throat before he can continue. “Congratulations. I’m happy for you.”
She hugs him again, gentler this time, and he tries not to cling to her. He’s waited so long...
“Does the Doctor know?”
“Of course he does,” the Doctor says, appearing from nowhere to lay a hand on his shoulder.
Jack’s eyes widen when he catches sight of a matching band on the Time Lord’s hand. It takes him a moment but he manages to laugh. “Well and truly domesticated now, Doc.”
They make to leave not too long afterwards, and Jack, once more, refuses the offer to accompany them. He’s spent so long, he thinks, creating a rut for himself that he’s almost afraid to leave it now.
The sound of the TARDIS engines is almost too large for the inside of the hub and he rubs a hand across his face as they fade back out of his life.
He’s alone, finally, his team long since retired for the night, and he’s left with nothing to do but contemplate why he’s always too late.