Title: Oh She Knows
christn7Rating: G
Characters/Pairings: Ten/Rose
Spoilers: The Satan Pit
Author's notes: A Quick drabble inspired by
number 16 of the
Jan pic prompts. I may or may not cross post tonight depending on how tired I am after work. ;)
Oh She Knows
He's going to do it- it's not a bad way as far as regeneration is concerned. Last time... well, for the briefest moment he felt like he was flying and that’s something, at least. A life he’ll lose anyway isn't much to give up in the pursuit of knowledge - and he must know. His people had no words for what this creature claims to be, and he needs to know...
...but he can't just leave her, can he?
"If you talk to Rose, tell her..."
He can't finish, but she knows. I love you. His last message, written in blood.