Am pushing myself to get three things completed this weekend.
One is a contest for PP. Its an oceans 1 year annniversary so they want people to design a greeting card. Its also the Spanish ocean so I get to decide if i want to say it in Spanish or not. XD
Here is what I've gotten done so far border wise.
commissions Then I will be sketching and sending out a mock cover for a fanzine project a childhood friend asked me to work on with her. She wanted to do a comic of Blake 7, an old BBC scifi show we would watch together on PBS. It sounds awesome and if I get going on that will try and do a few pin ups for the Doctor Who Project if its still going.
The third is a commission on PP. From a friend who wanted a headshot and she's pretty sweet. The first two are my ultimate goal...that plus trying to do another sketch jam @ Million's blog.
But we'll see. For once im getting to bed at a normal time.