I never got around to that nap, and now it's too late to take one. DOH! I have NOT been productive today (apart from the gym, class, food shopping, and wrapping ebay items) so i feel a little guilty now. I'm so tiiiiiiired, though.
Anyway, this is important. Read on
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That's what *I'd* do, but then I've never let any considerations for legality, ethics, honesty or anything else stand in the way of me doing what I consider the right thing.
Well, from my POV, my responsibility to do the right thing overpowers any responsibility to the shareholders, laws or nations. If my doing the right thing causes the company to go bust, so be it. If it causes an international incident, so be it. If I have the flagrantly break the law to do it, I will.
I believe that not only is breaking unjust laws acceptable, I believe it's our moral responsibility to do so. Given the opportunity as head of Google, I would openly screw China on the deal, boast about it, and use it force an international incident that would compel the world to actually *act* on these horrible human rights abuses.
Deep down, I really am Chaotic Good.
I haven't found the censoring yet. But then I'm searching from outside China.
But there's no ads. Yay no ads!
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