Hey LJ!
I am writing to you from VEGAS! A BOAT! Actually just bed, as usual. I am in bed because IT IS FILLED WITH HOOKERS AND I AM FILTHY RICH NOW AND CHOOSE TO SPEND MY MONEY THIS WAY! I HAVE NEW ONE THOUSAND THREAD COUNT EGYPTIAN SHEETS AND AM BEING FED FRUIT IN THEM! But actually I just fell off some skyscraper heels after getting cocktail drunk with my mum last night and sprained my ankle real hardcore with lots of blood and stuff. My bed is filled with toast crumbs, not whores. I am passing my time by MONITORING EXPLICIT CHATROOMS! LISTENING TO MGMT! I am actually writing on my livejournal and listening to Radams. I figured I'd try to inject some excitement into my life just then/ make you guys think that I have not been doing the exact same thing all my life, but SIGH I suck at fabricating.
I guess the most interesting thing about this post is that it indicates that I am OUT OF THE HOSPITAL! which has been the case for the last week or so and is actually pretty mega exciting. My time has been filled with partying with jorrocks/lamby, making sweet collages, yelling at masterchef and having a cold. REAL EXCITING HEY? I did go to see Anneke's AMAZING BAND on Friday. I am always super shocked when one of my friends bands actually turns out to be so fucking good but hey! There you go! Why I expected anything else from a band that Anneke and Alex are in is stupid on my part.
Yeah, so hospital. It was okay. I felt like my anxiety was maybe worse when I left than when I went in. I am on all sorts of meds now that make me trip balls and wake Sean up to ask him if he has a little sister? I had a lot of therapy based on letting things from the past go and allowing myself to grieve for them, which is actually pretty scary and makes me think that I will never be able to write anything again. You need longing and hate and weird feelings that sometimes make you vomit for no reason. You can't be creative and interesting if you only tell stories about the really fluffy bathrobe you are wearing right now and your boyfriend whom with you share sweaters and who just walked back in from the rainy world and shops with pumpkin soup and diet lemonade for you to eat in front of your favourite sunday night crime tv. It makes for far less tortured living, which I suppose is the outcome I was meant to be searching for, but whatever, I'm not sure if I will ever be 100% okay. And I think maybe that is okay.
Meadowlake Street came on the music machine just then and reminded me of when Sean and got a little high and he thought that maybe it was the most important piece of music in history and I thought there was a part of your body called The Panic Head. I reckon at least my call was legit.
I have has some amazing opshop finds this week. I have also been reading James and the Giant Peach but it started to really honestly scare me, so now I am reading Matilda, which is much better. Okay. That is all. I thought I might have had some epic journal posting in me tonight, but it seems not. Here are some photos of me with the greatest people on planet earth, just in case you wanted to see them.
FYI: I was dressed like Amy Winehouse on this evening for no real reason, and I spilt my tiny faux leather dress down the back when I was buying gin, so I had to get gaffer taped up the back to get through this whole night. I think it actually worked out pretty well for my trashwhore theme.