Learning to Love You More.

May 13, 2010 21:45

Assignment #11

Photograph a scar and write about it.
I have a bunch of scars, as I am innately clumsy but this is the first one that I remember getting. I was 4 years old, and at school in Melbourne. I was eating lunch with my friend whose name I don't remember from my favourite 'Australia' lunchbox. It was a really hot day and the school gardener came around to the lunch area and asked who wanted to be sprayed with the hose. (This in retrospect is so totally creepy.) Anyways, I was like WOO! HOSE! And ran off, asking nameless friend to look after my lunchbox (which she TOTALLY didn't, evil friend). I was super excited and sprinted off down a giant gravel hill to the gardener, neglecting to realise it was WET GRAVEL and stacked it, scrapping allll the skin off of my knee. Mum was working in the canteen, so I ran to her crying and she gave me an icey pole and also a bag of gummy bears and I got to go home from school early and watch T.V, so lunchbox loss aside, the whole thing was pretty O.K.

Assignment #55

Photograph a significant outfit.
I was wearing this on the day I found out that I had a brain tumour.

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