Marble Hornets anyone?

Nov 26, 2011 05:46


Home, home, home at last. Tired, but the good holiday cheer makes up for it. I spent a lot of time napping and watching videos while at my mother's. I brought two novels I wanted to finish up with me but I didn't so much as read a nutrition label while I was on break. It also gave me an ungodly amount of time to catch up on a lot of stuff I've been meaning to watch.

Speaking of which, does anyone else out there watch Marble Hornets? I was the last person on the face of the planet to see it and now I'm at that point where I'm gleefully clapping my hands and waiting for updates while sleeping with the lights on. Which I find amusing to no small degree considering the fact that I usually don't do youtube serials since the acting/special effects/filming is usually so awful I can't stomach them for long, but by the 6th entry I was hooked.
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