Jun 05, 2007 02:32
Why is everyone complaining about the heat? I love the temperature! I walk to the park or down the block with the dog in a jeans skirt and light weight long sleeve shirt and the delicious sun warms my back, my face (through the SPF 30), and my heart. Yeah, playing ball with my husband at night gets me a little schvitzy. All sports get me a little schvitzy. And the humidity also makes my throat not scratchy. I hate being cold, I hate the wind blowing things around, and I really hate having to wear bulky layers of clothes. in the summer I feel free, free free!
The rain is not so nice. This tropical story did a number on the house, dirtied the porch furniture I had just cleaned, and made my aquaphobic dog pee in the house (on newspaper as she was trained to do). Also I can't sleep when I can hear the rain. Lucky me - now I hear something just as bad.
Apparently I can't sleep with an air conditioner. Unless of course I was sweating my ass off I never used one before. This is our first "summer" married and though it is probably 70 degrees out the air conditioning is on. And it blows in my ear no matter how we direction it. And it makes windy noises. My forehead gets cold and a big headachy. Argh!
shih tzu,