Mazel Tov to me!

Feb 19, 2006 02:09

I got engaged last night!  I was so tired and I walked with Reuben in the freezing cold to his apartment.  I was in sweats with a demin skirt on top, dirty hair, baseball cap and cat hair covered fleece.  I was very excited, because we were going to finish the second disk of season one of Dead Like Me.  I saw the beginning of the show on Showtime on Demand when it first came out and Reuben saw the end when he had a Showtime promotion.  I was like "start the Netflix" and he asked me "don't you want to read this?" and I didn't really want to, it was a book about Leah from the Torah he had just showed me, but I opened the card to the last page like I always do.  There was a note with a bracelet asking me to marry him.  I was so surprised and all I could think about was how I would stay awake for a party and wash and blow dry my hair.

My dad flew in today with Susan, my mom, step-dad, and brother flew in Thursday and were staying around the corner from me without me knowing it.  Reuben's sisters came in from Pittsburg,  Ohio, and New Jersey.  I met his mom for the first time (she flew in from Minnesota) outside the party and she gave me the most beautiful necklace.  My uncle and aunt flew in from MA and their daughter and her husband who live in Brooklyn were there.  All my friends from Staten Island and Manhattan came in even on freezing subways.  I was so overwhelmed and self concious about making introductions, remembering peoples names, acting all social, etc.  Reuben's family is huge and four of his five siblings came with many (but not all) of their children.  Just the parents, siblings, nieces, nephews, and we will be having an early dinner at Reuben's sister's house tomorrow.   Tonighs L'chaim was at his bosses house. He really went all out with borekas, cookies, cakes, drinks, pretty table clothes, my office sent a fruit platter, Rueben's mom made his favorite tuna casserole, and there were silver looking plastic silverware and pretty plates.

I was so flattered he put so much work in to hosting the party and it was so wonderful to meet everyone who cares so much about Reuben and I from our co-workers, bosses too, friends, family, and family's that have adopted us in New York.  Everyone was so generous and I felt so honored and blessed to be surrounded by such good people.  I should get some sleep, but I'm too excited.  My whole office, Reuben's office and the other companies that were in our building were all there too. Reuben had balloons everywhere and it was so windy that when they picked them up and got them to the house they flew out of the trunk and more had to be ordered.  Though we weren't open about our relationship around the office I still thought everyone knew we were together. Still, except for his boss who hosted the l'chaim, no one in either of our offices had any idea we were dating.  Some of them had said things like "they should go out".  My manager, who sits next to me, knows I AIM Reuben all the time, go outside to talk to him, meet with him to go home, etc and yet, he had no idea. I had a yellow ice cream cake just for me.  I drank a little too much even though I only took half of every shot of Jameson Gold Reuben got me special and the Moscato D'asti handed to me.  Reuben got very drunk.  I guess that is the way things go.

I am still very nervous about these family gatherings.  My apartment is a mess.  No one is allowed in here and my parents are staying around the corner.  What if they want to come say hello to the cats?

*Pictures to follow.

work, friends, engagement, family

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