When my boyfriend and I frist started dating he use to tell me "she makes the best flowers" whenever we went shopping in this little bodega slash flower stand. He has probably mentioned her flower arrangement skills at least ten times. So I waited and waited and waited for my flowers. I assumed for a while that he couldn't give me flowers because gifts are not usually exchanged when someone is observing the first year after the death of a parent, like he is.
Then he surprized me by giving me some Chanukah presents. I got a book called "Talk to the Hand" which is by Lynne Truss who also wrote "Eats, Shoots, and Leaves" which I loved so much I loaned to him to read. She is a self descriped "English Stickler" who uses her radio show and books to point out all the English mistakes the world makes. I also got a bartender's recipes book. Does that mean I can't make a good drink? And I got a one a day calendar where each page is a piece of origami paper and insturctions. So far I have made a penguin, a grasshopper, a pencil, a kitty head puppet and this bug.
I haven't bought him any presents. Mostly because I can't think of anything worth the space it will take up in his apartment. I really want to get him a recliner or massage type chair that I can't afford. Any ideas would be appreciated. Anyway. The point of this post was to show off the HUGE, very beautiful, YELLOW, flower basket plus suspended bouquet I was given yesterday. Behold!
Strawberry and Simba like it too.