To Do

Mar 01, 2005 20:37

Maybe this will motivate me to complete by very long and appealing…
To Do List
1 clean apartment
2 organize various closets and drawers
3 laundry
4 cook meals for lunch/dinner
5 pay cable bill
6 pay rent for march (waiting until march 8th paycheck)
7 buy microwave and new home phone and brown boots (I probably have a better chance of winning these things in a contest I have not entered)
8 build shelves in the kitchen for microwave
9 sent back blockbuster dvds. Ooo! I did that.
10 put new books on hold at library, return books, pay fines, and finish reading Wicked which I am starting not to like but someone else has a hold on it so I can't renew it
11 call aunt about seeing arizona cousin of sorts
12 get to work early or at least on time Monday. Didn’t do that Monday but was early today.
13 call long lost friend itta and give her wedding present-this will also help clean out the closet
14 get and give wedding present or new baby present for friend who go married over a year ago and now i hide whenever i see him in the street
15 send one or two cell phones to my sister
16 call to check on my cell phone faceplate. Didn't have to, order arrived but I don’t like one.  I think I only get away with pimping out my phone like a teeny pop because its my profession.
17 go the gym, eat healthy, and fit into my sexy suede pants that I never wore when they did fit
18 wax legs
19 train Strawberry to do more than sit and come and do something with her hair
20 make plans for pesach
21 maybe stop snorkeling
22 get pedicure for rare occasions when my shoes are off in public
23 find black hat with star on it (am tired of pink one). Did that too!
24 remember to wear leather gloves which i just found

…or maybe you could write your to do lists and I would feel better about myself.

cell phones, work, presents, lists, shih tzu, hats, passover, yentiv, shoes, food, books

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