Friends Cut

Mar 24, 2008 01:57

For the first time in my 3 years with an LJ I made a huuuuuuge fcut. If you were cut and want to be back on, please comment by all means. I cut more than 66% of my friends, so it's nothing personal. There are just a lot of people whose journals I rarely read and never comment on and quite frankly, I just don't even know who some of you people are anymore. If you want me to add you back, I will try and make the effort to get to know you better/again.

Alternatively, if you weren't cut and feel like I'm dead weight on your friends list, now is a good time to tell me. I can take it like a big girl.

And if you were removed and want to stay off, I just ask that you take me off you list. Thank you. :]

friends cut

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