Aug 07, 2010 10:20
It's probably obvious that I haven't been updating my livejournal lately. As most of you know, I've started my freshman year of college and I have been dedicating a lot of time into it. I have come to a tough decision that school work takes priority.
In a few minutes I am going to defriend everyone save for the people I know in real life and privating most of my entries. I'm planning to use LJ as more of a personal journal. I know I'm probably going to break some long-term friendships. However, I just want to say that I enjoyed being friends with each and every one of you. It was thanks to my livejournal friendships that I was able to get through high school. This is nothing personal at all... I guess it's just me growing up :)
You all are always welcome to keep me added on MSN, Plurk and Twitter (I probably spend more time there anyways lmao) And I'll probably be updating my figurines blog too. Feel free to just send me a PM/IM and say "what's up?"
Well this is it. Good-bye and good luck to all of you!
! disabled,
! public