(no subject)

May 24, 2006 22:00

This is how it works: Comment on this entry and I will give you a letter. Write ten words beginning with that letter in your journal, including an explanation of what the word means to you and why, and then pass out letters to those who want to play along.

Letter K:

Kitti: this little char tht i used to draw
she was awesome
i havent drawn her in a while

KC: my cuzins name
it used to be spelled casey
but kids made fun of him
so they had to put him on happy pills

K-Mart: i've had some good times at k-marts...

Kangaroo: they r awesome

Kiev: best kind of stuffed chicken there is

yay half done

Karma: good store(bad prices)
cosmic forces
a cat i accidently hit when i was on my bike :(

Kaka Papa: my first words :)

Kibitz: i was once told to stop "kibitzing" once and i had to look it up
turns out it means to either stop talking
or stop offering bad/meddlesome advice
i think she meant talking

only 2 left

Kumquat: ha
say it 5 times fast

last one!

Krazy: as in glue
i love tht stuff
but i hate
it works too well
i once stuck my hand to a piece of random paper
it sucked
then this dumbass guy at my moms work was trying to get it unstuck
cuz u know how superglue gets
and was lookin into it
and squirted it into his eye
i dotn remember if he had to go to the hospital or not
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