Hello everybody! I'm trying something new out today. I just finished the book The Historian by Elizabeth Kostova. It took me nearly a month to read and I kind of wanted to say something about it but I didn't really want to do it in writing. I was roaming over at Renee O'Connor website and was looking at the stuff she posts there and was kind of inspired by a segment she does on books she's reading to go ahead and try a different, non-written way of reviewing.
So, I recorded myself talking about The Historian. Fascinating, right? Only for those of you curious to know what I look/sound like. But I kind of like it better for books. It's a lot easier to distill information about a 45 minute TV show than it is to distill several hundred pages of book. We'll see how it goes. As I finish books, I may make more videos.
I think you'll find that I speak like I write. Occasional asides and lots of rambling.
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