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Tunisia And The Spark That Launched The Uprisings Isn't it amazing?
I'm currently teaching a Global Politics unit and we just finished the Cold War. I was going to teach the domino theory there, but I've saved it for this coming week. We're currently talking about Afghanistan's struggle to find a government that can take care of its people, but on Wednesday, we're moving in to talking about Egypt.
I mean, this fruit vendor in Tunisia set off a revolution that spread to, what, Egypt, Libya, Yemen, Bahrain . . . I mean, talk about domino theory, right?
Isn't it amazing what the youth can accomplish?
I just finished reading Joe Sacco's graphic novel Safe Area Gorazde, which is about the Bosnia War and I'm currently reading his graphic novel Palestine, which is about, you guessed it, Palestine. And as I was reading SAG and as I read Palestine, I'm kind of blown away by how awful people can treat each other. And I think it blows my mind when I think of the governments these people have been living under in the Middle East (and elsewhere around the world) for so long. And then when I listen to stories about the fruit vendor in Tunisia or Islam Lofti in Egypt . . . I feel a very real and profound pride in what humanity can be.
I'm a realist with a slant towards pessimism so it's a strange feeling. Gives me a strange tingle.