I remember so many of these moments which is so weird! I'm also surprised there isn't more Xena. For shame.
Annie is applying to grad school because she loves to take out loans with fixed interest rates. Call it a hobby.
Annie waited outside for the bus for a half hour before concluding it wasn't going to come. She's taking that as an omen and staying inside for the rest of the day.
Annie has this thing about men cutting or threatening to cut her throat. Don't try to cut her throat.
Annie will finish this grad school general application today. If she doesn't, you have permission to mock her bad dance moves and her increasingly Canadian sounding accent.
Annie feels very Michiganian today. 38 degrees, car windows open to soak in the sun.
Annie is actually finding this hockey game interesting which is unusual because it's hockey.
Annie calls dibs on the godmother spot for Jim and Pam's baby.
Annie is disappointed she doesn't get a cool race to check off on the census. Why can't I check "Irish American" or "Ancient Saami American" or "Ambiguous Ethnic Identity American"? Why is the census so racist against my people?!
Annie loves a good buzzer beater but is pretty sure Maryland doesn't.
Note to self: Before telling people to destroy the property of democrats who supported the health care bill around the country, and before telling people to arm themselves against a government take over, I will first make sure I am no completely dependent on government aid, as that would make me an ignorant hypocrite asshole.
Annie is going to be an intern at Everett High School next year. Freshmen and sophomores FTW.
Rachel: Are you Filipino? Or father, Filipina? I always imagine you as a Filipina. I can be Latina and you can be Filipina. It's a perfect match. Me: What? Since when do I look Filipina? Rachel: Since always. Ha!
Annie has just invited all MSU haters to suck it.
Annie is revolving her mini grammar lesson for her English lab around Harry Potter and it's going to be way cooler than all her real lesson plans for the 9th grade US History class at Waverly. That's really too bad.
Annie went to a mostly-stranger's house to pick up four flamingo lawn ornaments. They met today at Home Depot and struck up a mostly-conversation and exchanged flamingo information. It's less weird than it sounds.
You call this news?! This isn't informative! This is a sound bite! This is entertainment! This is sensationalism! Fortunately, that's all I have the patience for.
Annie thinks that Hubble should be able to take fewer blurry pictures of Pluto. It can take crystal clear pictures of nebulae on the other side of the galaxy, but can't get a sharp photo of Pluto. She's bemused and confused and that nearly rhymes.
Annie gets to teach sociology next year despite never having ever taken a sociology class. The brilliance of the current educational standards, people. (But she's mostly excited.)
Annie is so tired of not being on a road trip.
Annie has been taken hostage by The Hills marathon on MTV and can't escape. It's life or death, people. Life or death.
Annie went planet gazing with Rachel and it was epic. Saturn's rings, anybody?
Annie curses Art Garfunkel for his alleged vocal strain that has pushed the concert from May 10th to July 14th, when she'll be in Malaysia. Thanks for wasting her money, Art, and for making it so she can't go to Madison to see her buddy Courtney.
Annie is back from a day filled with graduation, presidential helicopters, really long lines, snipers, Barack Obama, and friends. Also has renewed pride in her Wolverine heritage. Go Blue.
Annie is jealous of everyone who is already finished and cursing Angel for how it refuses to let her turn in her creed.
Annie is officially done with undergrad classes (for real this time, you guys) so she's just as cool as Scott even if she isn't graduating.
Annie is going in for her second haircut in less than a week. She's toeing the line between short and butch. Will she come out on top or will her hair continue to pwn her?
Annie has realized that the last five years of college preparation has lead to her wiling away her days watching Xena: Warrior Princess, The Hills, and Real Housewives. It's getting bleak, people. Malaysia will save her brain from rotting in July but how will she survive long enough to get there?
Annie is nesting for the Canadian.
Annie is so happy June 3rd is over because it was the most panic-stricken, weak in the knees kind of day she's ever had, all thanks to a small dog named Ozzy and his fast feet.
Annie had to climb a lot of trees on her bike ride today so it was almost like being in a particularly tree violent episode of Xena.
Annie is celebrating Unknown Donor Day. Do you have an unknown donor? Yes? Than you can celebrate, too!
Annie can't help but wonder . . . If Roger Federer loses in the first round of Wimbledon, does that mean the first stages of the apocalypse are nigh?
Annie will get to ride on elephants in a river and hang out with orangutans on Orangutan Island in Malaysia. Try hard to not be completely jealous.
Annie gets to go to a Malaysian wedding in August! It's the son of her host parents and it's going to be amazing, she just knows it!
Annie is going to Malaysia. If you want a fun Malaysian postcard with a fun Malaysia stamp, send her your address. It you want to read about her adventures, check out her blog at teachlikeroslin.livejournal.com (beware the Battlestar Galactica). If you want her to drop your name to an orangutan, she can do that, too.
Annie would like to offer you greetings from Taipei.
Annie will now offer you greetings from Malaysia. Malaysia: Only 24 hours in four plans away.
Annie is going to go become world famous by singing the Star Spangled Banner in front of important UPSI personnel and the Malaysian press now. She promises she won't forget you, the little people, when she hits it big.
Annie is absolutely certain that Rose and Jack's romance is even more epic with Malay subtitles.
Annie has a bad thigh muscle and bruises up and down her body but she got to go white water rafting today with hot spring swimming as the denouement. Worth it.
Annie went to a Pakistani/Malay wedding and HAS WIRELESS INTERNET AT HER HOST HOUSE. Good day.
Annie had red bean ice cream. Why don't we have this in America? For the love of god, why?!
Annie just had spicy Indian chicken and Indian bread for dinner. It's all she's ever wanted in life.
Annie has to sleep on what Baju Punjabi to get tomorrow for the Hindu wedding on Wednesday. Yes, these are the things I have to worry about here.
Annie loves the Hindus. (She still loves the Jews, too, so don't worry that Malaysia's gone and changed her.)
Annie akan pancake membuat hari ini di pesta Makanan Amerika. Mudah daripada pai epal.
Annie is so impressed with the descriptive essays the Form Three Wira class wrote on Thursday. Great job, everyone!
Annie seeks a pleasant penninsula.
Annis is really into the Beach Boys lately, which she's going to take as a good omen in regards to her trip to Penang.
Annie is back from Penang and scrambling to write a lesson plan.
Annie needs more Indian dessert bread in her life.
Annie can't decide if she should create a really cool lesson plan for Form Three Wira tomorrow or make a really boring one they'll have to endure. Hm. Such a hard decision.
Annie's 4 ringitt bootleg copy of A Single Man is bumming her out right now. If it keeps freezing up how will she get her Colin Firth fill?
Annie won't have to trip over her skirts all weekend! Hello, Malacca, and thank you!
Annie will not eat the durian.
Annie looks really good in Malaysia.
Annie needs to write a speech for the closing ceremony but is too busy planning her trip around the world. Which won't happen for many years. Sadly.
Annie is giving the speech. And then going to KL for a wedding. And then coming back to Tanjung Malin for the dinner. Then going to KL for goodtimes. Then getting on four planes to go back to Michigan. Then hugging her mom. Then petting her dog. Then sleeping. Sound good?
Annie thinks she's actually managed to successfully pack everything to get to KL, which is great because she's dumping all her clothes in KL which means even more room to pack things for home. She also found her MIA iPod and headphones. Yay!
Annie is leaving, KL Ho!
Annie went to KL and all she got was this crazy haircut. Aie oh!
Annie has a hoarse throat from a night of singing karaoke in Malaysia. Hello, short night of sleep.
Annie is leaving on a jet plane. You've been a good host, Malaysia. Terima kasih and word to your mother.
Annie is going to spend the next three-four hours in Taipei. Part-ay in Taiwan!
"Who knows but that, on the lower frequences, I speak for you?" I mean, you know?
Annie wishes you were gay. You'd be much more sensitive.
Annie has, like, homework to do this weekend. I'm shaking my fist at you, Malaysian grad school classes.
Annie has discovered her skills of procrastinating on school work have not rusted over the summer.
Annie has now discovered Malaysia stole all of her stamina. She has three weeks to get back into 5K fighting mode.
Annie just can't understand why she isn't writing the paper that is due today. Wait, yes she can. It's called "Grad school-itis". This is
not a good sign.
Annie is going back to high school. But this time she gets to sit at the big desk in the front.
Annie is very angry at the TV gods for killing her beloved Dana Fairbanks and is seriously considering a trial separation.
Annie has two Micaelas and on Mikayla in her honors class and now has a deeper understanding of the popular baby names of 1996.
Annie has survived her first day at Everett High School and is only intimidated by the number of names she has to learn. Which is probably a really good thing, considering all the other things she could have been intimidated by.
Annie found her blue cardigan so you know what that means: Cardigan Day! For a building with no air conditioning and 1400 kids, it's awfully freezing cold in room 104. Hail the cardigan!
Annie and Violet came in second in the mile race at today's CAHS event. Basset hound doubters are welcome to suck it.
Annie learned that the phrase "tree hugger" can be traced back to women in the Himalayas in Northern India and actually thought of a way to insert this fact into tomorrow's lesson on the five themes of geography and The Lorax. Being in charge is cool.
Annie is going to notch it down a schoch.
Annie is now working on a plan to make her students listen to Tibetan throat music, as well as the Islamic Adhan, Cenedictine Monks singing Ave Maria, a Kaddish, and a yet to have been selected Hindu musical selection. Room 104 will be a-rockin'.
Annie has a very non-threatening presence that makes students feel comfortable asking what may be thought of as silly questions. +1.
Annie would like to point out that taxes pay for public schools, libraries, fire and police squads, the roads you drive on, the bridges you cross, public sanitation, the military, national parks, public universities, public transportation, public safety regulation, teachers, medical research, disability programs, social security, health services. Just sayin'.
Annie wants to steal a job like Pam when she grows up.
Annie went with Sharon to the Wharton Center to go see Jersey Boys and found out they were an entire year early. Hilarious moment of October: Check.
Annie, while a gardener, was granted Ishtar's love, and for four and years she exercises kingship. The black-headed people she rules; Mighty mountains with chip-axes of bronze she conquered, the upper ranges she scaled, the lower ranges she traversed, the sea lands three times she circled. Dilmun her hand captured, to the great Dur she went up. Jealous?
Annie really lives Everett's new RAP program for freshmen after seeing the grade of one of her students go from a D to a C+ in an hour.
Annie feels the pressure to pick a side. Since she knows may more Michigan spirit songs than MSU . . . Now for a cheer they are here, triumphant! Here they come with banners flying, in stalwart step they're nighting, with shouts of vict'ry crying, we hurrah, hurrah, we greet you now, Hail!
Annie thinks MSU is to Michigan what Canada is to the US. Even when MSU does well, they still define themselves through Michigan. It's sad but . . . amusing enough to make me feel better about this loss.
Annie is trying to remember the "liberal" agenda: Freedom of speech and religion, importance of scientific fact, "turning the other cheek", abolition of slavery, women and minority rights, fair wages, child labor laws, workplace protection, environmental protection, gun control, educational standards, gay rights, providing for those who cannot provide for themselves. Decent start?
"Oh, you're kidding. That's horrible. Can I have my granola bar?" ~ Mrs. E.
Annie just watched Mulan on youtube as "prep" for tomorrow's lesson on Huns, Mongols, and Manchus, and so totally got goosebumps when the emperor bows to her. Women, animated and real, doing a man's job better than a man FTW!
Annie finds pep assemblies are way better when you're a teacher and not a student.
Annie got to grade an essay where a student said Assyrians were "TRASHY!" (his capitalization and exclamation mark) and picked the Persians over then because he "like[s] to keep it classy and civilized". WIN.
Annie got the Intern Sports League started so going to MSU today wasn't a complete waste.
Annie just created her first seating chart and it was only kind of super hard and painful. She also just took her first spinning class since June and her legs made it through the sprints and climbs. Double win.
Annie did not spend all those years playing Dungeons and Dragons and not learn a little something about courage.
"Question Number One [about the Trojan War]" 'What's up with the horse?'" ~ Mrs. E
Annie needs to find a white sheet for Olympic Day. TOGA! TOGA! TOGA!
Annie saw some pretty aggressive thumb wrestling moves at today's Room 104 at Lansing Everett Olympics. Fierce competition, freshmen. Fierce competition.
"You know, I'm not super in love with Justin Beiber anymore." ~ Anonymous Honors Student
Annie realizes tomorrow is November so is starting her likely weekly proposals: Harry Potter opens on the 18th. Who wants to go? Dressing up is optional.
Annie is very excited to vote and you should be, too.
Annie taught all but ten minutes of ESL today and is still standing. Next week, it shall be done.
Annie will remember, remember, the fifth of November because it is the ending point of this sucktastic week.
Annie would like to give props to Google Translate for having Haitian Creole. If only it would include Karen and Burmese, she'd be able to translate key terms for all her ELLs. Still, she now knows how to say "Ancient Greece" and "military" in about seven different languages.
Annie wants nothing more at the moment than to teleport back to the highland of medieval Scotland to listen to the Gailege brougue of large chested Scots as they sit near a fire in their kilts and sing about lochs. Pesky English oppression excepted.
Annie is going to take a deep breath and hold it until 2:3- Thursday and remind herself that the break is almost here.
Annie got through four hours in the computer lab with only one talking to from the librarian. Success!
Paul Simon has a holiday song. Things are looking up.
Does anyone I know in the Lansing area have Night At The Museum and, if so, could I borrow it for a few days?
Annie had a belated scary Halloween moment when she, taking her dog out for her last bathroom break of the night, looked up to the upstairs window and saw her mom, encased in shadow, standing there watching them like a total creeper. Good work, Sharon. Good work.
Annie can't wait for Harry Potter to take away the taste of sad museum projects.
Annie is having a serious midnight Harry Potter hangover this morning. Worth it? Worth it.
Annie has vanished into non-being, which is to say, everything.
Annie ended up staying later at school today than usual but now . . . Now the break begins!
Annie always has enough room for rolls, stuffing, pie, and Bailey's. Except for right this minute.
Annie just got poked and prodded by branches and burrs cleaning up the trash in the tree line. You're welcome, Earth (and super trashy neighbors).
Annie can't understand why she's awake this early. Guess the break is over. So sad.
"I have to really be in the mood for rap. I own a Snoop Dog record." ~ Mrs. E.
Annie just read two novels in the time it takes to watch three episodes of Xena: Warrior Princess. Graphic novels, sure, but still. Props.
Annie kind of super loves fifth hour ESL world history.
Haiku day in ESL. Ohhhhh yeah.